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9 of the World’s Most Popular Herbal Medicines


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    For centuries, cultures around the world have relied on traditional herbal medicine to meet their healthcare needs. Despite medical and technological advancements of the modern era, the global demand for herbal remedies is on the rise. In fact, it’s estimated that this industry grosses about $60 billion annually. Some natural remedies may be more affordable and accessible than conventional medicines, and many people prefer using them because they align with their personal health ideologies. All the same, you may wonder whether herbal options are effective. Here are 9 of the world’s most popular herbal medicines, including their main benefits, uses, and relevant safety information. 

    1. Echinacea Echinacea, or coneflower, is a flowering plant and popular herbal remedy. Originally from North America, it has long been used in Native American practices to treat a variety of ailments, including wounds, burns, toothaches, sore throat, and upset stomach. Most parts of the plant, including the leaves, petals, and roots, can be used medicinally — though many people believe the roots have the strongest effect. Echinacea is usually taken as a tea or supplement but can also be applied topically. Today, it’s primarily used to treat or prevent the common cold, though the science behind this isn’t particularly strong. One review in over 4,000 people found a potential 10–20% reduced risk of colds from taking echinacea, but there’s little to no evidence that it treats the cold after you have caught it. Though insufficient data exists to evaluate the long-term effects of this herb, short-term use is generally considered safe. That said, side effects like nausea, stomach pain, and skin rash have occasionally been reported. You can find echinacea in most supermarkets and health food stores, though you can also buy it online. 

    Summary: Echinacea is a flowering plant frequently used to treat and prevent the common cold. Research is limited, but it may reduce your risk of catching a cold by up to 20%.


    0 0   Jan 27, 2022

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